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2018 May & June Artwork of the Month

Artist Frances Lemmon (photo credit: Guernsey Literary Festival)

Le Petit Colin by Frances Lemmon

Artist: Frances Lemmon

Medium:  Charcoal

Status:  Oil on board

Frances Lemmon's paintings have often included the subject of Guernsey folklore, usually capturing the culminative moment of the tale. This painting illustrates Frances' passion for these entertaining and fantastical local tales. This is one of a series of paintings, created to illustrate the publication, 'Guernsey Legends'.

'Guernsey Legends' is a result of a collaboration between Frances and the poet Jane Mosse; producing a vibrant collection of paintings and poems. The main inspiration for both artist and poet were the traditional Guernsey folktales collected by the local historians, Sir Edgar McCulloch and Edith Carey, who first published the tales in 1903.

This particular painting refers to the tale of two fairies, Le Grand Colin and Le Petit Colin. They would bake at night using the furze oven of a local couple, Colette and Jacque. Colette knew that these fairies used her oven but did not mind as every morning they would leave a white loaf, Guernsey gâche and sometimes bean jar on the kitchen table.

However, when her husband found out he was outraged and tried to catch the fairies. This infuriated the fairies, who promptly left the cottage banging the door behind them, never to return.

'Guernsey Legends' is available to buy in the Museum shop at Candie.