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Artwork of the Month - August 2007


Capturing Textures in Nature

Artist: Heidi Vaudin
Medium: Photograph
Status: Loaned by the artist
Item No.: -

Artist's Statement

My passion for photography began 15 years ago when on holiday in California with my family. I studied A Level photography and from there my desire grew, a desire to take pictures, this desire borders on a need based on habit, the habit of 'seeing'.

Whether I am taking photographs or not, I am always looking and thinking about what I see. It is a habit that is both a pleasure and a problem, for rarely do we capture the full extent of what we see and feel on film. Generally my photographic work is of seascapes and living on Guernsey there is no shortage of inspiring sights.

The two pieces I have chosen for the Artwork of the Month show the stunning effect simple grains of wood can create, which I came across on barn doors in St Martin's. On this occasion it was something within the landscape which really caught my eye, rather than the wider landscape itself. As soon as I saw the doors I knew I had to capture this striking image. I found the strong forms, lines and tones remarkable. Since then I have been looking increasingly into the different textures present in nature.