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2021: Heroes of the Viking World


19 July - 31 December 2021 AD

We were delighted to host at Candie this extraordinary touring exhibition from The JORVIK Group of Attractions, operators of the award-winning JORVIK Viking Centre.  

Visitors explored how Vikings were celebrated in their time and throughout history.  They discovered what the archaeological evidence tells us about the real people behind the myths. Stories were told through a series of display panels, replica objects and human remains displaying battle injuries.  There was the chance to immerse yourself in the smells and sights of the Viking Age when inside the impressive replica Viking tent!

The JORVIK Group is owned by York Archaeological Trust and is made up of five unique heritage attractions in the city of York. Beginning in 1984 with the opening of the world-famous JORVIK Viking Centre,  the group has grown to include: DIG: An Archaeological Adventure, Barley Hall, and most recently, The Richard III & Henry VII Experiences.



  • Shield
  • Fire
  • Viking March