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2018 September Artwork of the Month

The Barbican and Upper Barracks, Castle Cornet by Peter Le Lievre (1812-1878)

The Barbican and Upper Barracks, Castle Cornet by Peter Le Lievre (1812-1878)

Artist: Peter Le Lievre (1812-1878)

Medium:  Watercolour on paper

Status: Permanent collection

For those who know Castle Cornet this view of the Upper Barracks by Peter Le Lievre will be a familiar one. Le Lievre was a highly accomplished amateur watercolourist from a local merchant family.

Few artists come close to Le Lievre's skill at depicting local architecture with both artistry and draftsmanship. His eye seemed to be caught by dramatic perspective and complex vanishing points. If these architectural features were just millimetres out the whole composition would look out of kilter and unconvincing.

The technical accuracy of this painting is then then brought to life by Le Lievre's ability to portray the textures of stone contrasted against the wispy clouds that circulate above.

If you would like to see more of Peter Le Lievre's watercolours they can be found in the plan chests of the Museum's Rona Cole Gallery.