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Guernsey Museums & Galleries holds extensive collections from the island and the wider world. The pick of our objects are on show in the permanent galleries and others are brought out from time to time for temporary exhibitions.

Like most museums in the world, however, the majority of objects we care for are held in our Reserve Collection. Many are unique and irreplaceable. The States of Guernsey accordingly directed the Culture and Leisure Department to refurbish its museum stores between 2011 and 2014, bringing them up to modern standards.

We do not yet have a facility to view our collections online but hope to build one for the future. Part of our Art collection is however available through a BBC initiative

The menu on the left leads to a more extensive discussion of what is held.

Over 56,000 records are currently held on our MODES computer data base. These assist us in answering enquiries and making objects available for study. We do not operate 'open stores' but we will try to facilitate requests to study objects in the Reserve Collection. If you wish to carry out research on material we hold, you should first contact the relevant curator. It would help us if you could give as much notice as possible should you want to visit, so that you are not disappointed.